
Open Rhinoplasty

Brow - Facelift

Cheek / Jaw / Chin bone contouring

Forehead - Cheek - Chin Implant surgery

Facial feminization surgery

Adam's apple shaving

Hair transplantation (FUE / FUT)

Breast implant (Motiva / Mentor)

Breast lift /Lift-Augmentation


Bariatric surgery

Body - Vaser




Reviewing before and after surgery photos

The decorated works of the surgical team at WIH Hospital.

Adam apple shaving wih hospital Thailand before

Result of Adam apple’s shaving (Patien was 30 year old from Switzerland)

Adam's apple shaving

Trachea shave before and after by doctor chettawut

Adam apple shaving before and after by doctor chettawut

Adam apple shaving before and after by doctor chettawut

Adam's apple shaving before and after by doctor chettawut

Adam’s apple shaving before and after by doctor chettawut

Adam apple shaving before and after by wih hospital

Adam apple shaving before and after by wih hospital

Adam's apple shaving before and after by wih hospital

Adam’s apple shaving before and after by wih hospital

Trachea shave before and after by doctor chettawut

Trachea shave before and after by doctor chettawut