FTM Mastectomy WIH International Hospital

Facial Feminization Surgery

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) is a set of procedures designed to create a more feminine facial appearance for transgender women, non-binary individuals, or anyone seeking to soften masculine features. At WIH International Hospital, our skilled team specializes in a comprehensive approach to facial feminization, tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals.

Overview of Facial Feminizing Procedures

Facial features play a significant role in one’s gender expression, and these procedures aim to enhance femininity by reshaping key areas of the face. Our team works closely with patients to ensure that the chosen treatments align with their aesthetic preferences and personal comfort. Each procedure can be performed independently or as part of a full facial feminization surgery, depending on individual needs.

Facial feminization surgery Hospital stay Anesthesia Operation time (hr)
Tracheal shave 0 LA 1
Endoscopic brow lift 1 night GA 2.5
Forehead augmentation (Forehead implant or fat transfer) 1 night GA 2.5
Brow ridge bone contouring 1 night GA 3
Brow ridge bone contouring + Forehead implant 1 night GA 3.5
Brow ridge bone contouring + Brow lift 1 night GA 3.5
Brow ridge bone contouring + Scalp advancement 1 night GA 3.5
Temporal augmentation with silicone implant 1 night GA 2.5
Feminizing rhinoplasty 1 night GA 2.5
Chin contouring 1 night GA 2.5
Sliding genioplasty 1 night GA 2.5
Jaw contouring 1 night GA 2.5
V-line surgery (Jaw & Chin contouring) 1 night GA 2.5
Cheek augmentation with silicone implant 1 night GA 2.5
Zygomatic arch reduction 1 night GA 2.5
Lip lifting 0 LA 1
For detailed information on each procedure, visit the dedicated pages or schedule a consultation with our experts.

Gender Affirming Surgery (Primary GAS)

Gender affirming surgery with zero depth vaginoplasty 3 nights GA 5
Gender affirming surgery with skin graft vaginoplasty 4 nights GA 6
Gender affirming surgery with laparoscopic peritoneal vaginoplasty (PPV) 4 nights GA 8
Gender affirming surgery with laparoscopic colon vaginoplasty 5 nights GA 8

Orchidectomy & GAS Revision Surgery

Orchidectomy 1 night GA 1
Remove remnant corpus spongiosum 1 night GA 3
Secondary colon vaginoplasty (Laparoscopic technique) 5 nights GA 8
Secondary colon vaginoplasty (open technique) 5 nights GA 8
Scar revision at outer labia 0 LA 2
Outer labia tightening 0 LA 2
Clitoral hood reconstruction 0 LA 2
Clitoris reshaping 0 LA 2
Secondary labiaplasty (Inner labia reconstruction) 0 LA 2
Reshape urethral opening 0 LA 2
Reshape vaginal opening 0 LA 2